
Rockland Maine….Egypt?

Frederick Boissonnas in Greece

Recently I’ve gotten sucked into learning about the adventures of several turn of the century (i.e., early 1900s) travelers in Greece. There’s some amazing writing and photography to be enjoyed!  One of my favorite explorers was a Swiss photographer named Frederick Boissonnas who spent thirty years capturing  Hellenic landscapes. Seems he was a bit of an Instagram-like social influencer with his dreamy photos of Greece. He helped create Greek tourism buzz back then.  I decided to do a few drawings of him. The drawing of him on the crazy ladder at the Acropolis looks preposterous but here’s a link to a photo of him on the actual ladder. Please check it out. That’s a brave photographer! 

Portrait of Frederick Boissonnas
Portrait of the seemingly intense Frederick Boissonnas 

Boissonnas takes photos of the Acropolis from a crazy height
Boissonnas takes photos of the Acropolis from a crazy height 

Imagined older Frederick Boissonnas on a ferry with a freddo cappuccino
Imagined older Frederick Boissonnas on a ferry with a freddo cappuccino